Awaken Vitality
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Take advantage of up to 25% off on our exclusive offers, available until January 1, 2025. Don't miss out on these limited-time deals and get the best discounts online today.
Discover Health
Genetic Test
Unlock your potential with Five Star DNA Consulting. Discover personalized insights through comprehensive genetic testing. Simple, clear, and effective.
Starter Children DNA Test
per session
Get a comprehensive analysis of your overall health with our basic evaluation package.
Health Check
Advanced Children DNA Test
per session
Dive deeper into your health status with advanced tests and personalized recommendations.
Extended Tests
Personal Plan
Starter Adult DNA Test
per session
Get a comprehensive analysis of your overall health with our basic evaluation package.
Health Check
Advanced Adult DNA Test
per session
Dive deeper into your health status with advanced tests and personalized recommendations.
Extended Tests
Personal Plan
How does it work
Discover your unique path to optimal wellness with personalized DNA insights at Five Star DNA Consulting in Orlando.
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